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Image about Collect bottle caps for D-dog locations in Delft

Collect bottle caps for D-dog locations in Delft

Monthly · 1 to 2 hours Delft voor Elkaar

Discover how valuable plastic bottle caps are! Your collection of bottle caps directly helps KNGF Guide Dogs and Assistance Dog Neth...

Image about A heart for two-wheelers and people?

A heart for two-wheelers and people?

Weekly · 8 to 32 hours Stichting Stunt

Social, sustainable & enterprising. With these words, the more than one hundred participants and volunteers in eight work-study comp...

Image about Help wanted for a family - Guidance NL

Help wanted for a family - Guidance NL

Weekly · 1 to 2 hours Prins Mauritsschool

I am an internal supervisor of a primary school in Delft and am looking for someone who would like to guide a family from our school...

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Image about Rickshaw driver and rickshaw driver
Buitenhof, Voordijkshoorn, Vrijenban

Rickshaw driver and rickshaw driver

Weekly · 2 to 6 hours Pieter van Foreest

We are looking for... Pilots and rickshaws needed! For Fietsen Alle Jaren in Delft we still need a few volunteers who regularly hav...

Image about Volunteer at the hair salon

Volunteer at the hair salon

Weekly · 3 to 5 hours Pieter van Foreest

We are looking for... Do you have a warm heart and do you like conviviality? We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer who wants...

Image about Volunteer for individual visit

Volunteer for individual visit

Weekly · 2 to 4 hours Pieter van Foreest

We are looking for... A Dutch-speaking volunteer who wants to go out with a resident to walk, shop or take a ride in the car. Durin...

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Image about Music volunteer

Music volunteer

Weekly · 2 to 2 hours Pieter van Foreest

We are looking for... Someone who loves music and enjoys doing musical activities with our residents. You help pick up and drop off...

Image about Need help moving?

Need help moving?

07-02-2025 · 1 to 2 hours Priscilla

As a single mother with quite a few challenges at the moment, I am looking for someone who could help load a moving van at Shurgard...

Image about Handyman/woman wanted.
Hof van Delft

Handyman/woman wanted.

Project · weekly 2 to 3 hours Ida

Due to my physical health and a lot of pain. There is a lot of backlog in my home in terms of chores. I would like it if there is so...

Image about Volunteer for Mediaplein Ipse de Bruggen

Volunteer for Mediaplein Ipse de Bruggen

Weekly · 2 to 6 hours Ipse de Bruggen

Become a volunteer at the Mediapleinen and create multimedia together with people with intellectual disabilities! Do you have a pass...

Image about Under the Pans neighborhood restaurant
Hof van Delft

Under the Pans neighborhood restaurant

Once or monthly · 14 to 20 hours stichting mobiele clowniek fabriek

Under the roof a neighborhood restaurant, where we cook for the neighborhood for 5 euros we put a healthy meal with fresh products o...

Image about Enthusiastic help with giving swimming (lessons)

Enthusiastic help with giving swimming (lessons)

Weekly · 1 to 3 hours Stichting het Startblok

We provide swimming lessons and other swimming activities to people with disabilities in the following swimming pools: the Alexander...

Image about Volunteer shuffleboard

Volunteer shuffleboard

Weekly · 2 to 3 hours Pieter van Foreest

We are looking for... An enthusiastic, social and communicative volunteer who enjoys playing shuffleboard (to support the hostess'...

Image about Old board game/cardboard challenge

Old board game/cardboard challenge

Weekly · 0 to 1 hours Stichting Stunt

Do you have an old board game lying around? Or do you have cheerful cardboard left over? Donate this to the volunteers and employees...

Image about Private Transport Service

Private Transport Service

Weekly · 1 to 8 hours Delft voor Elkaar

Do you own a car? Do you want to do something for the residents of Delft? Then we are looking for you. We are looking for drivers...

Image about 🧸 Space left in your home/heart? Child at Home
Binnenstad, Hof van Delft, Tanthof-Oost, Tanthof-West, Voorhof, Wippolder

🧸 Space left in your home/heart? Child at Home

Weekly · 2 to 4 hours Humanitas Delft Rijswijk Pijnacker-Nootdorp

“Are you willing to open your home and heart to a child who could use some extra attention and support? And do you live in Delft or...

Image about 📖 ABC, are you reading along?

📖 ABC, are you reading along?

Monthly · 1 to 10 hours

Buurtgezinnen in Delft is looking for someone who finds it a fun challenge to increase the reading pleasure of an enthusiastic girl...

Image about ⚽ Shall we kick a ball together?

⚽ Shall we kick a ball together?

Monthly · 1 to 10 hours

Neighbourhood families in Delft are looking for an active family with slightly older boys for a 6-year-old boy. The boy's father is...

Image about Are you a sociable student or young person?

Are you a sociable student or young person?

Weekly · 2 to 3 hours Stichting VTV

A young man of 28 who has almost graduated is looking for a friendly buddy to do fun things together. Especially on a weekday evenin...

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