Blogs schrijven over iemands levensverhaal

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- Stichting id Fix
Voor deze hulpvraag is goede beheersing van de Engelse taal noodzakelijk. The id Fix Foundation runs an international project, called Freethinkers International. We build a worldwide community of freethinkers to share ideas and stories. And to empower freethinkers who are living in countries where their ideas can get them into trouble. Where possible we try to support thos who are less fortunate than most of us because they live in circumstances where they can not speak freely or be who they are. Atheists in religious countries or families, LGBTQI+ in orthodox circles or in countries where it is still forbidden. We run a platform to give these people a voice and connect them for social and moral support, and community building. In some cases, we run campaigns to raise awareness or get funding to help them. Are you skilled with maintaining websites, or any social media channel (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Reddit) and do you want to help to grow the community, let us know. Some only take 1 or 2 hours per week, in other tasks, you can put as much effort as you like. If you are interested in helping people in great need and working with people from all over the world, this could be interesting for you. Please google our website Freethinkers International, to get an idea of what we are doing and let us know if you want to become an active member of our worldwide community.
Lees meerJubbega
Binnenstad: Centrum, Hoog-Catharijne NS en Jaarbeurs
Burgwallen-Oude Zijde: Nes e.o.
Wekelijks 2 tot 4 uur
Binnenstad: Centrum, Hoog-Catharijne NS en Jaarbeurs
Burgwallen-Oude Zijde: Nes e.o.
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