Blogs schrijven over iemands levensverhaal

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- Stichting id Fix
Voor deze hulpvraag is goede beheersing van de Engelse taal noodzakelijk. id Fix foundation runs an international project, called Freethinkers International. We support people that are less fortunate than most of us because they live in circumstances where they can not speak freely or be who they are. Atheists in religious countries or families, LGBTQI+ in orthodox circles or in countries where it is still forbidden. We run a platform to give these people a voice, connect them with each other for social and moral support, and community building. For some cases we run campaigns to raise awareness or get funding to help them. If you are active on facebook, and like to plan posts, leading to our website, respond to comments, and discuss with others, please step forward. Purpose is to attract more people to our website to grow the community, and be able to support more and more people.
Lees meerBeilen, Heerlen-Centrum, Jubbega
Bergen op Zoom-Oude stad en omgeving: Het Fort
Binnenstad: Centrum
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Beilen, Heerlen-Centrum, Jubbega
Bergen op Zoom-Oude stad en omgeving: Het Fort
Binnenstad: Centrum
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